Že kar nekaj časa pred odhodom v Italijo sem se tega potovanja zelo veselila. V nedeljo pred testiranjem me je skrbelo, da bi bil kdo pozitiven na covid test tik pred odhodom. Na srečo smo bili vsi negativni.

Končno smo dočakali ponedeljek, 2. maja 2022. V Faenzo smo prispeli okoli pete ure popoldne. V torek so nas učitelji in učenci italijanske šole zelo lepo sprejeli in skupaj smo imeli piknik, ki so ga pripravili italijanski starši. Bili smo zelo veseli, da smo se spet srečali z italijanskimi prijatelji, ki so bili v marcu na obisku na Planini, in se z njimi družili. Popoldne smo nadaljevali z računalniškimi delavnicami, poleg tega pa smo obeležili dan Evrope in na to temo smo imeli različne kvize, ki jih je pripravila vsaka šola. Popoldne nas je sprejel župan mesta Faenza in ogledali smo si mestno hišo. Po ogledu smo imeli lov na skriti zaklad. Razdelili smo se v skupine in iskali znamenitosti Faenze. Pomagali smo si lahko z zemljevidom in QR kodami, ki so nam jih posredovali. Zvečer smo se skupaj z učenci drugih šol odpravili v picerijo in poskusili prave italijanske pice, ki so bile zelo okusne.

Sredo smo preživeli na šoli in sodelovali na dveh delavnicah. Na keramični delavnici smo delali z glino. Najprej smo jo zmehčali, nato pa iz kosa gline izdelali ploščico s svojim imenom in risbo.

Po keramični delavnici je bila na vrsti orientacija. Pot je potekala okoli obeh šol in dvorišča. Dobili smo zemljevid in listek, na katerega smo vpisovali črke in številke, ki smo jih našli. Črke in številke so bile prilepljene z lepilnim trakom na drevesa, klopi, vrata … Na koncu, ko so bili vsi listki popravljeni in rezultati vpisani, so razglasili tri zmagovalce. Vsa tri prva mesta smo zasedli planinski učenci, za nagrado smo prijeli lento in zapeli slovensko himno. Popoldne nas je čakal izlet v Raveno, na poti do tja pa smo si ogledali še eno najlepših bazilik. Ravena je zelo znana po veličastnih mozaikih. Po ogledu smo imeli eno uro časa za nakupovanje. Poskusili smo tudi bubble tea. Bubble tea je pijača z zelenim čajem in različnimi dodatki ter kroglicami, ki ti v ustih počijo.

Najbolj smo se veselili četrtka, ker smo z vlakom odšli na celodnevni izlet v mesto Firence. Najprej smo imeli s turistično vodičko voden ogled po Firencah. Videli smo veliko zgodovinskih zgradb in kipov. Popoldne smo imeli prosto in prosti čas smo izkoristili za kosilo in nakupovanje spominkov in oblačil. Seveda smo si spet privoščili bubble tea. Pozno popoldne smo se z vlakom vrnili v Faenzo.


V petek nam je nekaj načrtov prekrižal dež in izlet v geološki park je odpadel. Dopoldne smo imeli na šoli angleško gledališče. Vodil ga je gospod, ki prihaja iz Kanade in v Italiji poučuje angleščino. Imeli smo igre, s    katerimi smo vadili učenje besedila za gledališke vloge. Na listkih je pisalo določeno besedilo in imeli smo nekaj minut časa, da smo si ga zapomnili. Eno od teh besedil smo v skupinah morali predstavili učiteljem. Večerjo smo imeli vsi skupaj v restavraciji Rione. Zraven so šli tudi trije italijanski prijatelji, ki smo jih poznali že od prej. V restavraciji so nam najprej prikazali utrip srednjeveškega življenja. Ogledali smo si tudi zbirko predmetov iz srednjeveških časov (meče, obleke, zastave…) Za tem je sledila zelo dobra večerja. Potem je prišel čas za slovo. Ni bilo lahko, ker pa smo se dogovorili, da se v soboto še enkrat dobimo v mestu, smo se lažje poslovili. V soboto smo z vlakom odpotovali iz Faenze. Na poti nazaj smo na vlaku večinoma spali, saj je bil za nami dolg in zabaven teden. V Trstu nas je čakal kombi in na Planino smo prišli ob deseti uri zvečer. Pričakali so nas starši in za zaključek potovanja smo vsi skupaj naredili fotografijo. Vsi smo bili veseli, da smo se zdravi vrnili nazaj domov.

Taja Kovač

The week in Faenza was really fun and educational. I am so grateful that I could go to Faenza! All of the cities we visited had rich culture and many churches. The special city is Florence where we saw many different statues and buildings with the most beautiful paintings on them. The schools are also very interesting mostly because of the toilets where you do not sit on them. Food there was amazing. My favourite was pasta but we also ate a lot of pizza that week. Pupils and teachers were very nice to us and I loved it when they greeted us with music when we came in the school. Our old friends from Italy came and hug us. We had a picnic that was organised by Italian parents. It was something special. Because ceramics is well-known for Faenza we made clay pendants. We drew on them and then we could take them home. We found pubs with bubble tea which has jelly balls filled with fruit syrup in green or black tea. We liked bubble tea so much and we went into the pub three times. There was a market that is very busy especially on Saturday. We bought some clothes. All the schools in the Erasmus+ project went to the mayor’s palace where we personally met the mayor of Faenza. His palace is wonderful. There was an orientation competition where the Slovenian students occupied all three places. Because of that, we sang the Slovenian anthem. We did not really have time to hang out a lot with Italian friends and that was probably the only thing I didn’t like. For the last dinner, we went to the restaurant where they presented fencing on horses. We could dress in some costumes from the Middle Ages. I am happy that I met new friends, talked to the old ones and experienced a lot of good.

Tia Lončarič

The week in Faenza was great because I learned many Italian words and made pottery. I met friends that were in Slovenia. Food was amazing and so was the school. I hope that I will be able to visit Faenza again. One of my sweetest memories refers to bubble tea. Bubble tea is a drink that is made out of tea and has “boba”. “Boba” are bubbles filled with fruit syrup.  I found out that ceramics is very well-known for Faenza. I participated in ceramics workshop in which each pupil made a clay pendant and then we decorated it. Faenza has a very nice square – the locals call it Piazza. We were able to see the palace, towers, churches, chapels and fountains. In the Italian school we took part in the quiz and we learned about Europe. We celebrated the Day of Europe. We went to many expensive stores and didn’t buy anything. I bought a hat for 10 € in Florence. Florence is a gorgeous city in Italy and it is the most populated city in Tuscany. Florence was a centre of medieval European trade and the city attracts millions of tourists every year. We also went to basilica where we looked at frescos and took photos of them. Basilica is a cathedral in Ravenna. Ravenna is worth seeing too. While being in Italy, we mostly ate pizzas and sometimes pasta. The Italian parents invited us to a picnic and the food was great. I liked the trip to Faenza very much and I am grateful to take part in the Erasmus+ project.

Nino Senica




Najbolj všeč mi je bil prvi dan, ko smo prišli na šolo in so nas tam pričakali učenci in učitelji iz Španije. Najprej so nam zaplesali in zapeli in počutili smo se res dobrodošle.

Potem smo se lahko videli s svojimi prijatelji, ki so bili na Planini letos marca. Odpravili smo se v dvorano, kjer smo si ogledali predstavitve o šoli in Španiji. Španski učitelji so nam razkazali šolo in njeno okolico, nato pa smo se razdelili v tri skupine, saj so naši gostitelji za nas pripravili tri delavnice. Prvi dan smo imeli za kosilo njihovo značilno jed, ki je bila podobna našemu golažu. Ker je bilo zelo vroče, smo imeli popoldne prosto, proti večeru pa smo se dobili pri veliki katedrali v mestu. Imenuje se San Patricio Collegiate. Vodička nam je razlagala zgodovino Lorce, ogledali pa smo si tudi muzej vezenin. V torek smo imeli na programu celodnevni izlet po mestu Murcia. Murcia je univerzitetno mesto, je pa tudi zelo znana po veličastni katedrali. V mestu smo imeli kar nekaj časa, da smo ga lahko raziskovali po svoje in nakupili nekaj spominkov. V sredo smo odšli v Aguilas, ki je pristaniško mesto na jugovzhodu Španije. Z ladjico smo se vozili po morju, lahko smo uživali na plaži ali pa se šli kopat. Obiskali smo tudi jamo Pulpi, ki je zelo znana po čudovitih kristalih in mineralih, ki smo si jih lahko v njej ogledali. Ustavili smo se tudi na tipični španski kmetiji, na kateri gojijo in predelujejo zelenjavo. V četrtek je veliko aktivnosti potekalo na šoli, popoldne pa smo se s turističnim vlakcem odpeljali do gradu Lorca in si ga ogledali. Cel teden je bil čudovit, a prekratek. S prijatelji iz Španije bomo še naprej ostali v stiku s pomočjo socialnih omrežij.

Neli Pančur

On 22nd May we travelled to Spain. We could travel to Lorca because our school participates in the Erasmus+ project. I had to wake up at 1 am because the bus picked us at the bus station in Planina at 1.30 am. We were driving for 4 hours and then we arrived in Treviso in Italy. At first, I was scared of travelling by plane, but then the flight was awesome. I was a little bored on the plane because all my friends were sleeping. We landed in Malaga. The bus took us to Lorca where is our twin school. When we came to Lorca, we found our hotel. In the evening, we went for a walk around Lorca. I ate the best pizza in my life and that was pizza with pineapple. Next day was the first day at school. The Spanish teachers showed us the school and its surroundings. We recorded a fairy-tale and put it into the e-book. In the evening, we had a guided tour around Lorca and we saw different museums and cathedrals. On Tuesday, we had a robotics workshop. In the afternoon, we went to Murcia. Murcia is a city in south-eastern Spain. We saw different churches and cathedrals, but the largest cathedral is called Cathedral of Santa Maria. We were looking forward to Wednesday. We went to Aguilas that is a seaport in south-eastern Spain. On the way to Aguilas, we stopped near the city called Pulpi. The city is famous for the cave where you can see amazing crystals. Our next stop was a factory that grows and processes vegetables. When we arrived in Aguilas, we took a boat trip and we were driving for about one hour. After the boat trip, we were hungry and we walked to a hill above Aguilas. We had lunch in a fancy restaurant. We had some free time, so we went to the beach and the sea was so warm. I was great to walk on the sandy beach. Unfortunately, Thursday was the last day that we spent in Lorca. At first, we went to school and took part in two workshops. In the afternoon, we took a mini train that drove us to Lorca’s castle. In the castle, we saw many things and it was very interesting. In the evening, we went for a walk. When we came back in the hotel, we sat on the chairs and were talking until the bus came to pick us. We were so tired that we slept on the bus. We travelled back by plane for 2 hours and a half. We landed in Italy and then the bus took us to Slovenia. That was one of the best experiences in my life. I met new friends and I saw many new places. I learned a lot about Spain. Only thing that made me a little sad was that all week we ate only fast food and no traditional Spanish food. I cannot wait for my next trip around the world.

Zala Selič


We travelled to Spain on 22nd May 2022 at 1.30 in the morning. We went by bus to the airport Treviso in Italy, got on a plane and landed in Malaga in Spain. After six hours of bus ride, we reached Lorca and found our hotel that was called Felix. The next day we went to school for the first time. The Spanish pupils gave us a warm welcome. The teachers separated us into three groups. My group recorded fairy-tales and put them in the e-book. After school, we took a walk around Lorca. We went into the church and the cathedral. The next morning we went to school and there we had sports games and a cooking workshop in which we baked crespillos. After cooking we had a short break and after that we had robotics. We built a robot and programmed it. After school, we went to Murcia. Murcia is famous for the most wonderful cathedral I have ever seen. We could go shopping and we ate waffles that were very tasty. On Wednesday, we needed to wake up at 6 am because we went into a cave full of crystals and minerals. After that, we drove to the south of Spain to a city called Aguilas. There we took a boat ride over the sea. We had lunch in a restaurant above Aguilas. We went to the beach. We had some free time to do some shopping in Aguilas and in Lorca. Our last day there was Thursday. In the morning, we went to school and there we had a treasure hunt and some art activities. In the evening, we visited Lorca’s castle with a tourist train. After that we had dinner. It was our last dinner and we got our certificates. We said goodbye to our Spanish friends and pupils from other schools. We took a long bus ride to the airport and got on the plane. We landed in Italy. When we arrived in Planina, our parents were already waiting on us. We went home talking about all adventures, I experienced in Lorca.

Ana Rajh