03 747 19 80 info@os-planina.si



 To šolsko leto se precej razlikuje od drugih let, saj se je naša šola vključila v projekt Erasmus+. Sodelujemo s štirimi drugimi državami – Anglijo, Španijo, Italijo in Grčijo. Veliko časa posvetimo dopisovanju z otroki iz drugih držav, ustvarjanju plakatov, reševanju anket, raziskovanju o partnerskih državah in mestih … Najbolj pa se vsi veselimo izmenjav učencev, ko bomo različni učenci za en teden šli v drugo državo, kjer bomo spoznavali šolstvo, kraje, nove prijatelje, drugačno hrano in kulturo.

26. 1. 2020 je prišlo do naše prve Erasmus+ izmenjave v Anglijo. Ob 2.30 zjutraj se nas je 6 učencev OŠ Planina pri Sevnici odpeljalo na letališče Marco Polo, ki se nahaja v Italiji. Ko smo prispeli, smo oddali prtljago in opravili varnostne preglede. Nato smo čakali na naš let. Bili smo nervozni, saj je bilo za mnoge to naše prvo potovanje z letalom. Da smo pregnali strah pred letom, smo se pogovarjali in fotografirali lep razgled z letala. Ko smo pristali v Bristolu, smo se s kombijem odpeljali v Exmouth, kjer smo se nastanili v hotelu Devoncourt Resort.

Prvi dan smo raziskovali mesto in se sprehajali po plaži, drugi dan pa smo se seznanili z otroki v Osnovni šoli The Beacon Church of England. Pred vsemi smo morali predstavili Slovenijo, Planino in poklice v preteklosti in danes na Planini. Ker je glavna tema našega projekta izboljšanje računalniških spretnosti, smo sodelovali tudi v treh računalniških delavnicah. Eno dopoldne smo preživeli na ladjici, ki nas je popeljala po reki Exe in po morju. Učitelji angleške šole so nam na plaži pripravili športno popoldne in takrat smo se učili igrati rugby.

Zajtrk smo imeli v hotelu, kosilo na šoli, zvečer pa smo imeli ponavadi skupne večerje. Pokusili smo tipično britansko hrano, kot na primer roast dinner, fish’n’ chips, chocolate pudding … Vsako popoldne smo imeli nekaj prostega časa, ki smo ga lahko izkoristili za sprehod po mestu in nakupovanje. Na zadnji dan smo imeli v cerkvi Holy Trinity Church skupno zaključno prireditev, kjer smo predstavili, kar smo se naučili med tednom, vsi skupaj pa smo zaigrali na bobne. Nekateri smo se tudi dobro spoprijateljili z učenci iz drugih držav in z njimi obdržali stike.

V petek smo se odpravili na letališče v Bristol in se žalostnih obrazov poslovili od Anglije.

Sara Gračner



It was a normal day at school at the end of the English lesson when the teacher stopped me, Patrik, Larisa and Manca. I thought to myself that we did something bad, but the teacher told us that we are the chosen ones for going to England. We were all screaming of happiness. It was five really fast months of school! I couldn’t wait to go to England!

The day came. It was the 26th of January at 2 o’ clock in the morning. We gathered on the bus station in Planina and started our trip to Venice in Italy where we had to wait for our plane. The flight was smooth. The landing wasn’t so smooth but it didn’t matter as I was really excited for what was about to happen in England.

We landed in Bristol and then we were driving for two hours to our hotel called Devoncourt Resort that is located in Exmouth. I really liked the hotel but it had a strange smell all over the reception. As we waited for our room to get ready, we ordered drinks at the bar that it had. It wasn’t very expensive for the first thing we bought in England but it got more expensive as we progressed through our journey.

We had a welcome performance in the school The Beacon Church of England on the first day. We were always the first ones to come to their school as we didn’t want to be late. We instantly made friends with the Spanish and the English pupils. It was fun, but we were nervous too because we had to present Slovenia and Planina in front of all students. On the second day, we had computer-oriented activities, such as 3D printing, drawing maps from the start of Exmouth with slides in Powerpoint and we played Minecraft. The 3D printing was very interesting. We did the keyrings that they would 3D print and ship them to us in Slovenia. The map drawing wasn’t as interesting as I expected because it was a long process. Minecraft was one of my favourite activities as well, but the air in the classroom was hot and it was hard to breathe. The activities were all through the week.

We also went on a sail on a boat. That was exciting and we could spend a lot of time with other pupils. On Wednesday, we went to the beach, built little shelters, and played rugby. The last day was sad because we went to the bowling room, we bowled for one round, and then we had to say goodbye to the students because we didn’t know that we would see them again.

The next morning, we pranked our teachers with putting our luggage in front of their door. Unfortunately, the teacher was awake and they heard the laughing because we just couldn’t keep a straight face. The teacher took a picture of it, as we were building it to the top. They were laughing because we failed to prank them. After breakfast, our driver took us to the airport where we saw the Spanish pupils and took a picture with them for the one last time. We were all really sad and we just couldn’t realise that we are never going to see them again. We put our luggage through the security check. We were so nervous hiding the guns that we had in the bags J. We had to show the identification card for us to be accepted onto the plane. The teacher bought a Coca–Cola in the vending machine and got 3 out of them.

To sum up, it was a great journey and we had a lot of fun! I hope that I will be able to go to another country soon. But just myself. We came to Venice where the Slovene driver waited for us drove us home. The parents were all happy to see us.

Žiga Zagajšek



It was Sunday morning, when me and my friends took part in the first students’ exchange to Exmouth, the UK. We were very excited and happy, so we couldn’t fall asleep on the bus. After that, we flew by plane from Venice to Bristol. The plane was very uncomfortable, but it didn’t matter, because some of us flew by plane for the first time and it was an interesting experience for all of us. We stayed in a hotel which looked old-fashioned at first sight. We loved it afterwards.

In the hotel, we played hide and seek and we were sliding down the stairs. As the week moved on, we were sightseeing and trying the England’s specialities. The food at school didn’t taste very well. We made new friendships, especially with British and Spanish children. We were surprised that the school that is much smaller than ours can take 180 students in it. Students wear school uniforms which look quite cute. The children are smart, talkative and very broadminded, they know much more than Slovenian children. They’re funny too!

The Beacon School is a religious school. Every morning, all students gather and start a day with a prayer. We took part in some computer workshops. We had 3D printing, we played Minecraft and made movies. It was very fun. The activities that impressed me the most were activities on the beach and building shelters. The trip on the river Exe was exciting too!

We also made fun of each other – we were joking among us and also other children. The teacher scared us and we returned jokes to both teachers. We barricaded the teacher’s door with our suitcases, we teased the teachers with beer, we said that we lost our ID cards and so on …

It was a very useful experience for us and we would definitely like to repeat it!

Patrik Završek



In September 2019, our school joined a project Erasmus+. In the project are involved schools from the UK, Spain, Greece and Italy. In the project, we explore traditional jobs in the surroundings of Planina and communicate with students from European countries. However, one of the most popular activities are international exchanges.

Our first destination was Exmouth in the UK. Six students from each country travelled to the UK. Exmouth is a beautiful city with a lot of sightseeings. We saw the port, the beach, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Clock Tower, the War Memorial and Strand Gardens. We had a lot of fun trips, such as a boat trip on the river Exe and across the city. We also found out a lot about the Exmouth history (some dinosaur fossils were found there). Besides that, we were able to see the life inside the British schools.

I will remember the most people I met there, their energy and how nice they were. Exchanges are excellent experiences because you meet new people and you get new friendships and memories. It is also great because you can see how good is your English because you are forced to speak English.

Manca Poljanec


Spoštovani starši,

z izobraževanjem na daljavo bomo začeli naslednji teden. Razredniki vam bodo na elektronske naslove poslali vsa navodila. Prosimo vas, da spremljate delo otrok, ne pričakujemo pa, da boste šolsko delo opravljali skupaj z njimi.

Dragi učenci, naslednji teden začnemo z izobraževanjem na daljavo. Učitelji bodo za vas pripravili delo, ki ga boste doma opravili samostojno. Za kakršno koli pomoč boste učitelje lahko tudi kontaktirali preko elektronske pošte oz. se boste dogovorili še za druge načine. Ure izobraževanja na domu se bodo večinoma izvajale po urniku.

Če vam še manjkajo kakšne potrebščine, lahko preko e-pošte o tem obvestite razrednike oz. učitelje, ki vam jih bodo pripravili in jih lahko dvignete v šoli:

v torek, 17. 3. 2020, med 9.00 in 12.00 in

v četrtek, 19. 3. 2020, med 9.00 in 12.00.

Za ta teden predlagamo, da izkoristite lepo vreme, ste čim več na zraku, seveda brez druženja s prijatelji, pomagate staršem pri opravilih okrog hiše, vrta… Čas posvetite tudi branju ter opravljanju kakšnih še nedokončanih nalog za nazaj. Naslednji teden pa začnemo.

Bodite zdravi, pazite nase in na druge.

Matejka Zendzianowsky, ravnateljica



Vlada RS je danes izdala odlok, s katerim NE DOVOLJUJE ORGANIZIRANJA NUJNEGA VARSTVA OTROK, prepoved pa bo veljala do prenehanja razlogov zanjo.
Verjamem, da razumete nujnost tega ukrepa.

Bodite zdravi, pazite nase in na druge.

Matejka Zendzianowsky, ravnateljica


Spoštovani starši!

Vse šole bodo od 16. marca 2020 do predvidoma vključno 27. marca 2020 zaprte.

Nujno varstvo otrok bo organizirano le za učence od 1. do vključno 5. razreda, katerih starši bodo nujno potrebovali varstvo, ker bodo dolžni še naprej opravljati svoje delo. Nujno varstvo učencev se izkazuje s pisno izjavo delodajalca pri kateremu so starši zaposleni (pridobi starš), da opravljajo delo, ki je pomembno za delovanje družbe in države v izrednih razmerah. Takšno delo opravljajo zdravstveni delavci, zaposleni v civilni zaščiti, vojski in policiji in v drugih službah, ki so pomembne za oskrbo prebivalstva. Da se lahko učenec vključi v to varstvo je nujno potrebno, da je zdrav in da ne kaže znakov bolezni.

Če menite, da potrebujete nujno varstvo za svojega otroka, to čimprej sporočite na: o-planina.ce@guest.arnes.si.




Spoštovani starši in učenci!

Od ponedeljka, 16. marca 2020, bo šola do preklica zaprta.

Trenutno se na pristojnem ministrstvu menjuje vodstvena ekipa, zato z njihove strani še nimamo točnih navodil in usmeritev glede pouka na daljavo. Ko bomo imeli konkretnejša navodila, vas o tem obvestimo. Do takrat pa predlagamo, da učenci preberejo kakšno knjigo, opravijo še kakšne nedokončane naloge na nazaj, utrjujejo predelano snov…

Prosimo, da spremljate šolsko spletno stran, kjer vas bomo obveščali o vseh uradnih informacijah.

Za kakršne koli informacije se lahko obrnete na: o-planina.ce@guest.arnes.si.

Želimo, da čimbolj zdravo in mirno prebrodimo nastalo situacijo.

Kolektiv OŠ Planina pri Sevnici

Dostopnost za prilagoditve